Message From Chairman

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry. At Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST), it is one of the pioneering departments. The Department of Chemistry is a place of learning, research and preparing world-class chemistry professionals to face the challenges of the new millennium.Chemistry is referred to as the fundamental science, because it works with the basic components of both living things and the nonliving things, we encounter every day. Chemists create new substances for renewable energy, fresh medications for disease treatment, goods and procedures that reduce the use and production of dangerous substances, and improved methods for comprehending reaction mechanisms, among other things. As a student in the Chemistry department at JUST, you will develop your ability to critically think with other scientists from many professions. You'll build new compounds and comprehend the science behind it. Greater careers are attained by our graduates in a variety of industries, including energy, medical, teaching, and learning. Industry, research facilities, and educational institutions all still have a need for chemists. We are pleased to report that many of our graduates currently have important positions with major companies.


With the progress of time, our department has a long tradition of carrying out high-quality research in several areas of Chemistry such as analytical, environmental, electrochemical, sensor, biosensor, medicinal, bio-inorganic, bio-physical, nano-materials, solutions, food, surface, organic, polymer chemistry, natural products, and drug development. Publications of our research appear in highly ranked journals that are highly cited by the international community.


Our department offers a four-year integrated degree of B. Sc. (Honors) in Chemistry and provides an excellent environment for studies. The department has already offered its M.S. program starting from January 2019 and it provides the students the opportunities to be specialized in different branches of chemistry. It is my great pleasure to invite you to plan a visit to our department.



Thank you,

Dr. Md. Korban Ali,

Chairman, Department of Chemistry,

Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST), Jashore-7408,


Phone: +880242-142045, Ext: 212